Ramnath Vidrohi. You cannot run away from the truth by trolling.You who are making a difference in the line of one of my posts do not hide the truth that the Prime Minister of India did not say a word for Danish Siddiqui.
Did not even condemn the Taliban. Anap-Shanap arguments should be created throughout the day to escape from this truth, So that the attention of the people is confused. Why doesn’t this troll ask the Toli Prime Minister, Is Danish not a citizen of India ? Condolence messages are coming from all over the world to his family.
I am looking for reasons why the Prime Minister has not condemned the Taliban. Perhaps the reasons can be found behind such news, Whose link is shared below. Is this why the Taliban terror has been condemned and not two words for Danish ? Danish was not a general journalist. He received the Pulitzer Prize.
His house was at the level of the world. Such Indian culture is prospering and India is becoming a world master. What can be done if you have to follow your intelligence according to the troll. the same Do but there is a lot of damage from what you are doing.
I do not know english, If you come, read who is talking back channel to Taliban. There is also news of denial, who has stopped the Prime Minister to condemn the Taliban terror and say two words for Danish. This means denial only will be just.