New Delhi. In An Meeting SAARC Journalist Forum India Chapters has decided to support the demonstration against PIB.
The Joint Forum of Journalists’ Organisations has announced a demonstration in the upcoming session of Parliament against the PIB from the day of the commencement of the upcoming Parliament session.
All the officers of India Chapters will be with them in the ongoing struggle against the delay and dictatorship of PIB Renewal and the new accreditation.
The india chapters’ meeting said that we stand with organisations and comrades who are struggling to protect the interests of journalists at all costs.
We will be part of this struggle with all our might. Attacks on journalism in India and outside India not be accepted, we will take to the streets.
President Aniruddha Sudhanshu said, “Journalists already have limited rights and if the government takes away what is there, what will be left with journalists ?.”
The campaign to save the years-old news agency will continue until the government accepts this demand. Don’t change your policies. From Parliament to the street, we will fight it.